Recent Contract Awards

Following a sustained period of tendering GMC are pleased to announce the award of several new diverse projects in line with their strategy to target Green Energy contracts in support of Irelands 2030 sustainability targets.

Gas Networks Ireland Gas Pump
Gas Networks Ireland Natural Gas Pump
Compressed Natural Gas

GMC have been appointed by Gas Networks Ireland as their EPC contractor to provide a further 5 compressed natural gas (CNG) stations in a €7.5m scheme leading the development of a new, cleaner heavy goods vehicle (HGV) and bus transport network to support Ireland in achieving its carbon reduction targets and to give Irish fleet operators a cleaner and affordable fuel choice. There are currently four CNG stations operational in Ireland, constructed by GMC and a further pipeline of 11 stations are in planning and development.
GMC constructed their first public CNG station which opened in July 2020 at Circle K’s Cashel premises on the M8 motorway providing fleet operators a fast-fill CNG location along the Cork to Dublin motorway. Using fast-fill technology, this state-of-the-art facility has the capacity to fill up to 70 HGVs a day, with each fill taking no more than five minutes, allowing customers to maintain operational patterns similar to that of diesel vehicles.
SDCC - HeatNet
Cllr Ed O’Brien Mayor of South Dublin and David Fitzpatrick (President TU Dublin) at the Interreg HeatNet Site on TU Dublin campus in Tallaght
District Heating
In May this year GMC broke ground on the recently awarded contract to provide a District Heating Network for Fortum ENext Ireland Ltd and South Dublin County Council in Tallaght. The highly specialist scheme will provide low carbon heat to local community buildings and when fully commissioned is estimated to reduce carbon emissions in the SDCC area by 1500 tonnes per year.

The first large-scale district heating scheme in Ireland will initially involve a number of South Dublin County Council’s buildings and the Tallaght campus of the Technological University (TU) Dublin. It will then connect other public, private and residential customers in the Tallaght area to the network over subsequent phases.

This low carbon heating solution will optimise the potential of recyclable heat combined with additional heat-pump technology – the first example of its kind in Ireland.
Kilroot Power Station
Kilroot Power Station
Kilroot Power Station
GMC with their partner Rayden Engineering have been awarded the first of the contracts by Czech energy company EPH, in the £600m scheme to transform the coal fired power station into a new low carbon energy park.

The EPC contract will provide high pressure gas to Kilroot Power Station by constructing a 3KM welded steel pipeline from Marshallstown AGI to Kilroot AGI and Pressure Reduction Station. The pipeline will be installed underground mostly using an ‘open cut’ method, where a trench is excavated, and pipe laid within it. Once the pipeline is installed, the trench will be backfilled, and the land reinstated as far as possible to its original condition.

Crossings of roads, including the A2, will be by underground tunnelling or drilling to avoid disruption of traffic, road closures and service diversions. The contract will last 18 months commencing May 2021.

More Gas Projects from GMC

Gas Networks Ireland CEO Cathal Marley hands over the keys to Gerry McCloskey.

GNI key handover

GMC has kindly been provided with the keys to Europe's first bio compressed natural gas (CNG) tipper grab truck by our partners Gas Networks Ireland.
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Proudly Supporting The Urban Cloud Forest Initative
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