Swords Water Main Replacement Project completed

GMC Utilities Group have completed the replacement of more than 5 kilometres of water mains in Swords.

This water main was almost a half a century old and was prone to significant bursts in the past, especially on the Forrest Road which caused significant traffic disruption. The completion of these works will provide a more reliable water supply for homes and businesses in Swords and parts of Malahide and Portmarnock.

Speaking about the project, Paul Hickey, Irish Water said:
“We would like to thank the residents, businesses and road users for their understanding while we carried out this critical work. The communities of Swords and parts of Malahide and Portmarnock will now benefit from more sustainable and secure water supply which will result in fewer disruptions to their water supply. The Swords Water Main Rehabilitation Project was a priority project for Irish Water and we are delighted that it has been completed ahead of schedule. The project forms part of Irish Water’s investment to improve the water and wastewater infrastructure in Fingal.”

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