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GMC Safety Day 2022

Over 300 people, across two sessions, attended GMC’s recent safety day at the Carlton Hotel in Blanchardstown.

Representatives from Gas Networks Ireland, Irish Water and Greenlink were also present.

The following areas were covered:

- Incident investigations focusing on the five whys
- Excavation safety
- Underground services
- Traffic management

Theatre At Work prompted discussion from the audience around safety at work as they acted out a death at work scene. Their workshop was aimed at highlighting the importance of safety conversations as a day-to-day dynamic within an organisation.

GMC’s Health, Safety, Quality and Environment Manager Trevor Troy said:
“Safety is at the forefront of everything we do at GMC. This safety day is one of several measures we use to maintain our high standards.”
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© Copyright 2017 – 2023 GMC Utilities Group, GMC House, Millennium Business Park, Cappagh Road, Ballycoolin, Dublin 11, Ireland.
© Copyright 2017 – 2024 GMC Utilities Group, GMC House, Millennium Business Park, Cappagh Road, Ballycoolin, Dublin 11, Ireland, D11ER02.