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Safety Stand Down event – January 2019

GMC Utilities Group carried out a back to work Safety Stand down morning on Monday 7th January 2019 for all our project staff at the Carlton Hotel, Tyrellstown.

Over 300 personnel including key Client representatives attended the briefing. The key message delivered was to re-focus on the H&S site specific risks following on from the Christmas break.

A presentation was delivered by the GMC HSQE Team on the following topics during the morning:

A review of the 2018 H&S Performance
Lessons learned from incidents during the year
* A re brief on the top 3 H&S risks encountered through our works
* 2019 H&S initiatives

John Boland, HSQE Manager, for GMC Utilities Group commented;
“This back to work Safety Stand down briefing reinforces the GMC Utilities Group commitment to ensuring all our workforce start off the new year focused on the key H&S risks encountered across all our sites. We want all our workforce to Start Safe, Stay Safe during the year ahead”

Safety Stand Down Event - 2019 - Speakers pic - NEW
Safety Stand Down Event - 2019 - Audience pic - NEW

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© Copyright 2017 – 2023 GMC Utilities Group, GMC House, Millennium Business Park, Cappagh Road, Ballycoolin, Dublin 11, Ireland.
© Copyright 2017 – 2024 GMC Utilities Group, GMC House, Millennium Business Park, Cappagh Road, Ballycoolin, Dublin 11, Ireland, D11ER02.