Safety Stand Down event 02 NEW

Safety Stand Down event

GMC Utilities Group held a Safety Stand Down event on Monday 13th August in the Carlton Hotel, Tyrellstown, Dublin.

Over three hundred site personnel from all divisions of GMC Utilities Group were in attendance as well as representation from key clients including Irish Water and Gas Networks Ireland.

Key note speakers included:

James Gory who delivered a powerful presentation telling his story of his workplace accident.

Fergus Collins, Irish Water, provided an overview of their Work Safe – Home Safe behavioural safety initiative.

Brian Flynn, Gas Networks Ireland Technical Training Manager, delivered a very information presentation on gas safety and safe working around  GNI’s infrastructure.

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© Copyright 2017 – 2024 GMC Utilities Group, GMC House, Millennium Business Park, Cappagh Road, Ballycoolin, Dublin 11, Ireland, D11ER02.